Runners Plaza |
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系統管理 註冊日期: 2003-07-14 位置: 中華民國 台灣 線上狀態: 離線 文章數: 1241 |
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主題: Runners Plaza 發表於: 2013-01-08 at 10:39am |
About us “Runners Plaza” provides extensive marathon news and discussion forum to discover and discuss what you want about Taiwan marathon runners, event places and info that matter to you. We encourage the free exchange of views and opinions at “Runners Plaza”. At Runners Plaza, you can *Discover new marathon activities to enjoy *Post and share your running passion or experience, insight with friends and other fellow runners. Try to be interesting. It would be easier on all of us if you were polite. If it upsets you that the free expression of ideas is often heated and offensive, please do not use “Runners Plaza”. “Runners Plaza” cooperates with legitimate law enforcement and we respect your privacy. Be polite. Inappropriate posts may be removed by the moderator. Prohibit posting of POLITICAL, BUSINESS, and COMMERCIAL advertisement 為提供非中文語系人士參與台灣馬拉松活動之詢問窗口 本板開放非中文語系在此進行路跑、馬拉松領域之相關討論 本板也特別聘請了二位精通外文的大美女 Mindy & 蕭大美女 來擔任板主 當然,也歡迎其他熱心並精通英文的跑友一同參與討論 期望能透過此一板面,將台灣馬拉松賽事推向國際 跑者廣場/Runners Plaza 編輯者 yun - 2013-01-08 at 11:13am |
Mindy Chan
新手上路 註冊日期: 2011-03-21 線上狀態: 離線 文章數: 5 |
文章選項 引述 回覆 發表於: 2013-01-09 at 1:44am |
Here here
Run off calories and worries.
Mindy Chan |
Senior Member 註冊日期: 2009-07-27 位置: 來自葫蘆墩 線上狀態: 離線 文章數: 817 |
文章選項 引述 回覆 發表於: 2013-01-09 at 9:32am |
Congratulate the runners Plaza across well on its way international forward.
跑出健康~跑出快樂 |
Senior Member 註冊日期: 2010-12-24 線上狀態: 離線 文章數: 705 |
文章選項 引述 回覆 發表於: 2013-01-09 at 10:21am |
Welcome all runners from the abroad, Taiwan is a beautiful place to be here. |
愛跑馬,但不瘋馬。 愛創紀錄,但不強求。 健康跑馬,身心舒暢才是王道。 |
Senior Member 註冊日期: 2008-10-29 線上狀態: 離線 文章數: 297 |
文章選項 引述 回覆 發表於: 2013-01-09 at 12:10pm |
Let's welcome the international runners to Taiwan!!
Senior Member 註冊日期: 2011-11-04 線上狀態: 離線 文章數: 318 |
文章選項 引述 回覆 發表於: 2013-01-09 at 3:05pm |
Let's see a beautiful runner from Singapore "Aileen Ho", she had finished 2 marathons in Taiwan last month(12/30 Central Taiwan Science Park, 12/23 Huwei marathons) and another beautiful runner "Onna Patrichi" from Romania had just finished her "birthday marathon" in Taiwan last week(1/5 Atayal resort marathon) 編輯者 黃順聰 - 2013-01-09 at 3:12pm |
site manager 註冊日期: 2004-08-20 位置: Taiwan 線上狀態: 離線 文章數: 1382 |
文章選項 引述 回覆 發表於: 2013-01-09 at 4:35pm |
I deeply appreciate the volunteers behind the Runner's Plaza for your long term contribution to set up such a great forum, that's why we're able to get together to exchange our running experiences and share our marathon stories.
Good job! Buddies.
Run happy!
Senior Member 註冊日期: 2012-09-26 線上狀態: 離線 文章數: 148 |
文章選項 引述 回覆 發表於: 2013-01-09 at 9:04pm |
Alieen Ho She had finished "3" marathons in Taiwan last month (12/30 Central Taiwan Science Park, 12/29 YangMingshan, 12/23 Huwei marathons) BTW she had accomplished 64 marathons since 2004. Onna Patrichi This is her fourth marathon, and the next goal is Taipei Expressway Marathon on 3/17. |
~累積~ |
站務管理 註冊日期: 2008-04-11 位置: 桃園縣 線上狀態: 離線 文章數: 5180 |
文章選項 引述 回覆 發表於: 2013-01-09 at 10:05pm |
Alieen Ho Participate in the the Yangmingshan Ultra Marathon in 2012/12/29. 編輯者 老貓陳 - 2013-01-14 at 11:58am |
Senior Member 註冊日期: 2011-12-28 線上狀態: 離線 文章數: 952 |
文章選項 引述 回覆 發表於: 2013-01-10 at 8:37am |
Running on this island is the best way to understand it. Besides professional runners, the runners who have interests to know something about Taiwan are also highly recommended to join some marathon games with us in your trip.
鐵馬小丁~Alex 編輯者 鐵馬小丁 - 2013-01-10 at 8:38am |
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