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Getting Started

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鐵馬小丁 由上至下檢視
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註冊日期: 2011-12-28
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    發表於: 2013-03-25 at 4:48pm
As you mentioned, a pair of shoes is the basic and actually also the most important because your running is most rely on them. I thought you can get lots of info while you go shopping in any sports store. To buy yourslef a comfortable running suit and make yourslef "looks like" running can help you really like to run. BTW, don't forget a hat which can protect you from both sun and rain.
After you get your equipment ready, put them right behind you such as near your bed or in your car so you can start to run anytime you think.

編輯者 鐵馬小丁 - 2013-03-25 at 4:48pm
noxon 由上至下檢視

註冊日期: 2013-03-13
位置: Taipei
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Thanks for the link regarding the contests and marathons.  But as a beginner, I don't feel that I am ready to enter any competition at the moment.  I did get out this weekend to try to run a little by using the run / walk method.  It was pretty tiring....I know I'm out of shape, but it's a start.  

In my last post, I did ask for advice on a good pair of "beginner" running shoes.  I noticed that my old Nike (pegasus) soles are breaking off from lack of use and with my current weight, I don't feel that I'm getting the right support.  If there are any advice regarding equipment that is "must have" for beginners, please do send me your advice!  

Thanks everyone!

鐵馬小丁 由上至下檢視
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註冊日期: 2011-12-28
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Actually the website we are chating now already provided the info. Try below link:
noxon 由上至下檢視

註冊日期: 2013-03-13
位置: Taipei
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Thanks for your suggestions, I appreciate it.  Are there any places online I can find this information for marathon games?  Also, I know that this is probably still an early question, but are there any good suggestions for a good pair of shoes when people are just starting out?  There are too many choices out there and I would appreciate any "practical suggestions" on what I truly should consider as "must buy" equipment when I start.  


鐵馬小丁 由上至下檢視
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註冊日期: 2011-12-28
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One of the method is to plan/schedule a game to join. Some marathon game also have shorter distance option on the same day. Suggest you to start from thoes options.
noxon 由上至下檢視

註冊日期: 2013-03-13
位置: Taipei
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I've just recently had the urge to start a running schedule.  But I have no running experience but it's probably the only exercise that is do-able and convenient in a city like Taipei.  I live close enough to SYS Memorial Hall and I often see runners working out there.  

Although I've tried many times to "actually start" a running schedule, I have never managed to maintain it.  What's the secret in getting yourself motivated enough to go out day after day?  

Hoping to get people's feedback on this forum.

Tempest71 由上至下檢視

註冊日期: 2013-02-17
位置: Kaohsiung
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Thank you...I will read the articles from the website you sent.
肉莉 由上至下檢視
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如何判定訓練量過重或過輕? 初學者可注意下列幾項徵兆檢視:


1.      慢跑過後的當日晚上是否不易入睡?

2.      是否經常出現口乾舌燥的現象?

3.      脾氣是否變得易怒?

4.      以上是幾項簡易評斷訓練是否過量的方式.

5.      適量,規律的運動計劃都會有它一定的成效.




Training may, in accordance with personal fitness goals and distance.

How to determine the amount of training is too much or not? Beginners can pay attention to the following signs :

Jogging after the day is not easy to fall asleep at night?

2.Is often thirsty phenomenon?
3.Temper becomes irritable?
4.Several summary judgment training whether excessive.
5 Moderate, regular exercise program will have its effectiveness.

I find a beginners program may help, Attachment 10K , half & full marathon training table, .



編輯者 肉莉 - 2013-02-21 at 5:24pm
Tempest71 由上至下檢視

註冊日期: 2013-02-17
位置: Kaohsiung
線上狀態: 離線
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Hello Thank you for your input. I have been an average of about 2.5 km, three times a week. I do not know if I want to strive to lower the distance, but running the day-to-day.


編輯者 Tempest71 - 2013-02-18 at 1:48pm
鐵馬小丁 由上至下檢視
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註冊日期: 2011-12-28
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Just getting start then run day by day and longer. I started from 1KM per day and now is 10KM per day.
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