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[公告] 2002下半年馬拉松參賽時間表.

列印論壇: 跑者廣場
分類: 長跑相關討論與資訊
討論區名稱: 慢跑資訊
討論區簡介: 張貼關於所有俱樂部慢跑活動訊息
URL: http://www.taipeimarathon.org.tw/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=126
列印日期: 2024-05-19 at 7:02am
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主題: [公告] 2002下半年馬拉松參賽時間表.
發表人: Dale Huang
文章主題: [公告] 2002下半年馬拉松參賽時間表.
發表日期: 2002-07-19 at 7:13pm
2002上半年已經挑戰並完走了7個馬拉松. 下半年也已經完走澳洲的黃金海岸馬拉松,接下來的參賽計畫行程也有10到12個之多,利用此機會在本網站與以公佈.

7月28日: Cities Marathon. 澳洲昆士蘭省. 自 Sydney的 Town Hall 跑向西邊的Blacktown. 是point to point的路線,有很多上下坡.

8月4日: Townsville Marathon. 澳洲昆士蘭省的北部,布里斯本以北約1,500km. 路況平坦,風景美麗.

8月18日: Junee to Wagga Marathon. 澳洲新南威爾斯省. 也是point to point的路線.

8月25日: Adelaide Marathon. 澳洲南澳大利亞省的首府.

9月15日: Sydney Marathon. 澳洲新南威爾斯省的首府. 自North Sydney 跑過著名的雪梨大鐵橋,沿著2000年奧運會馬拉松賽最吸引全球追馬者的 Blue Line 而跑. 也是point to point 的路線,只可惜終點設置在奧運主會場的隔壁較小型的田徑場.

10月13日: 永和馬拉松賽. 擔任義工的職務.

10月20日: Toowoomba Marathon. 澳洲昆士蘭省布里斯本西邊約160km 的花園小鎮. 路況是上下坡多.

11月3日: Auckland Marathon. 紐西蘭北島最大城市.

11月10日: Fielding Marathon. 紐西蘭北島的南部.

11月23日: 太魯閣馬拉松賽.

12月1日: 澳門國際馬拉松賽. "台北跑者" 組隊參賽. 詳情請上永和網站的"國際賽會"欄.

12月8日: 曾文水庫馬拉松賽.

以上的馬拉松計畫希望都能順利實現並完走. 非常歡迎追馬的同好來與我同行.
祝福各位跑者; 跑出樂趣,跑出幸福,跑出健康.

Dale Huang

發表人: 陳英謙
發表日期: 2002-07-23 at 6:01am




發表人: 阿田
發表日期: 2002-07-23 at 9:59am
親愛的會長 馬拉松的確要多多舉辦 這是國力和人民健康的指標 至於跑幾次嘛 有力的多跑幾次 沒力的看熱鬧也好


發表人: 蔡振曉
發表日期: 2002-07-23 at 7:21pm


發表人: RunningYam
發表日期: 2002-09-10 at 3:38am
How about running marathons in US? I know it's far away and costs more. Maybe you can add the race as part of the trip to US. What a tough trip!

So actually I would suggest you to run races in Japan instead of US. But if any Taiwan braveheart is interested or has such a plan, please let me know. I can post my experience in the marathons I know about.




發表人: RunningYam
發表日期: 2002-09-10 at 7:14am
One simple idea is at least one marathon in each national park. Are there four national parks in Taiwan?

Another idea is we should have marathons in several beautiful road such LiSan branch, Mt. Ali to Mt. Jade, road from HwaLian to TaiDon, those roads across the island, i.e. BaeHun, (New) JungHun, NanHun. I don't have map at hand, but I believe we can find out a lot.

Also we can have a ultramarathon around SunMoon Lake, or an Ironman over there.

I think all the above areas are beautiful treasures of Taiwan. By having races carefully organized over there, we are able to raise the sense and love of homeland among people, while promoting local businesses and improving our health.

Let's make Taiwan a "Marathon Island".

By the way, I am thinking about having an international Ironman race in PonWho - 2.4 mile ocean swim, 120 mile bike, and a marathon. I think this is better than having casinos over there. In the short term, casinos may have better look. But in the long run, this race will bring us health, our recognition in the world on sports instead of rich and money, and advance the tourist industry further.

I just picked up what I think about. I believe anyone can find out even more.




發表人: RunningYam
發表日期: 2002-09-10 at 7:30am
I think we can do something similar to 山岳四大天王, who altogether defined 100 mountains in Taiwan. Let's run across Taiwan and find out 100 courses (trails or roads) appropriate for marathons and designate them as "100 Taiwan Marathons". According to what I describe above, it should not be difficult to find out many more marathon courses.

We are making progress into a more autonomous society. We should expect less control and support from the government. Why wait for and rely on their involvement? There are a lot we can do ourselves.




發表人: 跑薯美代子
發表日期: 2002-09-11 at 2:34am
RunningYam說最簡單的方式, 就是至少在每一個國家公園一個比賽, 另一個想法是在漂亮的路縣如梨山支線,阿里山到玉山,花東公路或中橫,北橫,南橫等




發表人: RunningYam
發表日期: 2002-09-11 at 6:53am
Thanks for staying up so late to make this excellent translation.




發表人: RunningYam
發表日期: 2002-09-11 at 8:54am
I'm not opposing anyone to go to other countries for running. Actually, I am happy to see this and encourage it. Because this is the way to know what a good race looks like and how runners all over the world perform. (So I have learned something from many races I have run in US.)

However, why travelling abroad to collect your 百馬? Let's find them in our own country.

Why rely on the huge slow government machine to organize a race? I believe we can do something to organize races for 百馬 more efficiently.

Blame me if I am too naiive.




發表人: 阿田
發表日期: 2002-09-11 at 11:30am
請問跑薯美代子 我很好奇 您是 RunningYam 的夫人嗎 如果是可以談談以太太的角度對先生熱衷跑步的看法 抱怨會比鼓勵多嗎


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