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註冊日期: 2006-01-30
位置: Taiwan
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文章數: 45
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    發表於: 2006-02-06 at 1:57pm
Rest for Run, Run the Rest. Go!Go! Friends.
賁俊蓮 由上至下檢視
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註冊日期: 2005-02-19
位置: Taiwan
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文章數: 11952
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張大哥:剛把你翻的大作放入百信網頁與隊友共享,(今日網路不大順暢),偷睡了一下,又看到生出第二段,等一下再放進去,讓你成 為百信的跑步知識的頭一棒,別忘努力生產.

OPEN 由上至下檢視

註冊日期: 2006-01-30
位置: Taiwan
線上狀態: 離線
文章數: 45
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Arthur Lydiard contended that the most important aspect of conditioning is volume. In the 1960s his training concepts were revolutionary. Even the track athletes whom he coached followed a marathon-based aerobic conditioning program in the initial phases of their training cycles. Considering the phenomenal success of athletes who trained under Lydiard's tutelage, such as Peter Snell, John Davies, and Lorraine Moller, and other athletes who have followed his program principles, his theories were insightful. Subsequent research has shown that they also possess a sound physiological basis.

Arthur Lydiard主張調整狀態時最重要的面向是訓練份量。他的訓練觀念在60 年代是革命性的。即使是他帶的徑賽選手,在訓練週期的最初階段也必須先遵循如馬拉松訓練式地調整心肺有氧課程。看看在他的調教下 那些成就非凡的運動員就知道他的理論是真知卓見。隨後所作的研究也顯示他的理論具有完整的生理學基礎。

While many of America's marathoners switched focus to quality (and reduced mileage) rather than quantity, coaches from Japan, Italy, Mexico, Germany, and China were incorporating Lydiard's principles into highly successful training programs. Naoko Takahashi reportedly ran up to 80K (50 miles) per day in preparation to become the first woman marathoner in the world to dip under 2:20. Catherine Ndereba ran comparatively modest 100-mile weeks in the buildup to her world record of 2:18:47 at Chicago in 2001. Jerry Lawson, imitating the high-mileage successes of Bill Rodgers, Alberto Salazar, and Frank Shorter, ran up to 250 miles per week en route to his then American record of 2:09.

當許多美國的馬拉松選手轉變訓練重點為重質不重量(並減少里程數)時,日、義、墨、德、中國的教練們引用Arthur Lydiard的原理在他們非常成功的訓練計畫中。高橋尚子的訓練量每日高達80公里並破記錄地成為第一個跑進2小時20分的女子馬拉松選手。Catherine Ndereba較謹慎地每週跑100英哩,用數週累積里程來創下2001年世界紀錄2:18:47在芝加哥。Jerry Lawson仿效Bill Rodgers, Alberto Salazar, and Frank Shorter高里程訓練的成功經驗,在達成他的美國紀錄2:09的過程中,提高週里程數到250英哩。

Metabolically, high-volume training makes sense. There are two main sources of fuel for exercise: carbohydrates and fats. The energy supply from carbohydrate and fat is inversely related. High rates of carbohydrate use reduce combustion of fat. Carbohydrates are used preferentially at very high efforts, such as a 5K race, or at low fitness levels when fat metabolism is underdeveloped.

以新陳代謝的角度來看,大量訓練是合理的。有兩種主要能源作為運動的能量: 醣和脂肪。這兩種能源的供應是逆轉換的關係。高比例地消耗醣類會減少脂肪的燃燒。碳水化合物會優先消耗於高速的運動,如5公里短程競速或脂肪代謝尚未開發之低階的體適能狀態。

Conversely, when you teach your body to rely on fat for fuel, your combustion of carbohydrates goes down, thus "sparing" carbohydrates. This benefits performance in endurance events. You become very fatigued when you run too low on carbohydrates. We store only a very limited amount of carbohydrate (glycogen) in our bodies. Compare this with a relatively unlimited supply of fat. Even an athlete with only 6 percent body fat will have enough fat to fuel exercise lasting for many hours. When you use more fat, you generate more energy and your carbohydrate supply lasts longer.

相對的,當你訓練自已的身體以脂肪為能源,體內醣的消耗就降低,甚至變成備用能量。這種好處表現在持久力上。體內醣的儲量過低會 使人變得很虛。人體只能儲存非常有限量的醣(肝醣)。相較於脂肪則用之不盡。就算只有6%體脂肪的運動選手也有足夠的能量支撐數小時的運動。當你利用愈多的體脂肪,不但能產生更多的能量,更能延長醣的消耗。

Follow the principle of specificity. If you want to teach your body to use more fat for fuel, then create training conditions that generate high fat metabolism. Your body will eventually learn to prefer fat.

依據上述的原理,假使你想訓練自已的身體利用更多體脂作為能源,只要創造能提高體脂肪新陳代謝的訓練條件,身體就會學習利用脂肪 。

Research conducted at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden during the 1980s showed that, within the leg muscles of highly trained endurance men, the activity of enzymes that break down fats was 100 percent higher than in the untrained subjects. As a result, during exercise they had a much higher ability to regenerate the ATP that fuels muscular contraction than those who had a greater reliance on carbohydrates.

在瑞典的Karolinska 中心進行的研究顯示,經過耐力訓練的男子大腿肌肉中,其酵素分解脂肪的效率高於未經訓練者的一倍。因此,這些酵素在運動時比主要 依賴醣代謝的酵素有較高的能力再生肌肉收縮所需的ATP

These researchers found that the maximal oxygen consumption (or V.O2max) was 50 percent greater in the trained men. Maximal oxygen consumption measures aerobic capacity: the efficiency of the lungs to transfer oxygen to the blood, the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen, the power of the heart and blood vessels to deliver large quantities of blood to the muscles, and the ability of the muscles to use the oxygen. Fats cannot be burned without oxygen. Not only did these men have more enzymes to combust the fat, but they also had more oxygen to feed the fire.

這群研究者發現耐力訓練過的人,他的最大耗氧量(V.O2max)也提高50%。最大耗氧量用來測量換氧能力: 包括肺的工作效率,血液的載氧量,心臟和血管的送血量和肌肉使用氧的能力。脂肪燃燒不能缺氧,這些經過耐力訓練的人不僅有較多的 酵素燃燒脂肪,也有較多的氧氣供應。

Researchers have since demonstrated that, after a 12-week six-day-per-week program of 45 minutes of running and cycling at a high intensity, fat combustion increased by 41 percent. This was accompanied by reduced reliance on carbohydrates.



Rest for Run, Run the Rest. Go!Go! Friends.
OPEN 由上至下檢視

註冊日期: 2006-01-30
位置: Taiwan
線上狀態: 離線
文章數: 45
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Rest for Run, Run the Rest. Go!Go! Friends.
RunningYam 由上至下檢視
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註冊日期: 2002-08-20
位置: 美國
線上狀態: 離線
文章數: 2797
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原發表於 Marathon and Beyond 雜誌 (2002 年 9/10 月號), 但只可在此見到原文 - Fuel on Fat for the Long Run.


OPEN 由上至下檢視

註冊日期: 2006-01-30
位置: Taiwan
線上狀態: 離線
文章數: 45
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Fuel on Fat For the Long Run


By Deborah Schulman, Ph.D


It Is More Efficient To Tap Into Your Unlimited Fat Supply


c 2000 42K(+) Press, Inc.

MIGRATORY BIRDS and whales rely on stored fat to fuel their long, strenuous journeys. Developing your fat engine will increase the amount of energy you can generate, reduce the amount of carbohydrates you use, and stretch out the glycogen supply during long runs. Added together, you have a more stable and enduring energy supply, better endurance, and faster finish times.


To illustrate, let's consider Shane. Shane is a computer engineer in his late 30s who has stayed active over the years with yard work, occasional football games with his kids, and sporadic attempts to weight train. In short, he was not aerobically fit. Inspired by the fortitude and tenacity of his wife, who just ran her first marathon, he decided to train for a marathon.

就拿賢哥作例子來說明。賢哥是位電腦工程師,30 歲,多年來用整理庭院的勞動保持活力。偶而和孩子玩美式足球,極少嘗試激烈運動。總而言之,他並不具備健康的心肺功能。受到他剛 完成第一個馬拉松的老婆所展現之毅力和堅持所刺激,賢哥決心進行馬拉松訓練。

He was determined to be informed and methodical about the process. Many of the books he read recommended training with a heart rate monitor. The books said that most people run marathons at 75 to 80 percent of maximum heart rate, so he decided to do a test. He consulted a chart to find his heart rate at a more manageable effort of 65 percent and set off running.


After only 90 minutes on the road, he felt nauseated and fatigued. His legs felt like bricks, and finally he was forced to stop. In other words, he bonked well short of the distance he would need to cover to finish the marathon.

上路一個半小時後賢哥感覺很虛並且想吐。他因為「鐵腿」不得不停下來。換句話說,他「撞牆」得有夠早,根本無望撐完馬拉松的距離 。

Due to his low level of fitness, most of Shane's energy was coming from the limited carbohydrate stores in his liver and muscles. He simply ran to the end of his carbohydrate supply. Carbohydrates are necessary to maintain exercise at any intensity. An excessively high rate of usage combined with low carbohydrate stores reduced his endurance, even at relatively easy running speeds. Had he eaten GU or drunk Gatorade, he still would not have been able to continue for much longer. A training program that focused on switching to fat for fuel would change that.

由於他如此遜的體能,賢哥所有的能量來自儲存在肝臟和肌肉中的醣。他輕易地耗盡體內的醣。碳水化合物也就是醣是維持任何強度運動 的必需能源。過度高比例的消耗再加上低存量降低賢哥的耐力,即使用輕鬆跑的速度也一樣。就算吃 能量包運動飲料依然無法撐久一點兒。因此訓練計畫的重點在轉換脂肪作為能源來改善這現象。


Rest for Run, Run the Rest. Go!Go! Friends.
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