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註冊日期: 2006-01-30
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    發表於: 2006-02-07 at 5:06pm



Let's return to Shane after 24 weeks on his Lydiard-based training program. His fat metabolism is augmented, there is a substantially reduced reliance on glycogen, and his glycogen stores are larger. He again decides to test his ability to run at 65 percent of his maximum. Before the test he makes sure to get plenty of carbohydrates in his diet so that his leg muscles and liver are loaded with glycogen. This time he was able to continue for three hours.


His skeletal, connective, and muscle tissues; his metabolism; and his cardiovascular, nervous, and endocrine systems are now prepared for some faster training. His next step is to focus on increasing his endurance running speed and reducing his lactate production.

他的骨骼、結締和肌肉組織,他的新陳代謝,他的心臟及血管系統,神經和內分泌系統都己準備好迎接更快的速度訓練。下一步訓練的重 點就是提昇耐力跑的速度及減少乳酸的產生。

Endurance races are aerobic races. Marathons tend to be run at just below the level where you start to accumulate lactic acid, which is known as the anaerobic threshold (AT). How many times have you started a race too fast and gone anaerobic, only to suffer later and run slower than you planned or even had to drop out?


With a higher AT, you will be able to sustain faster marathon and ultramarathon paces. Elite world-class marathoners often have such a highly developed fat-burning engine that they can run marathons at 85 percent or higher of their maximum. For the rest of us, 75 to 80 percent is a realistic goal.


Anaerobic threshold training augments the basic fat metabolism you have spent so much time developing. The result is faster running speeds over the long haul. A measured dose of faster, anaerobic training will teach your muscles and blood to metabolize and buffer lactic acid. The goal is to generate a manageable quantity of lactic acid that your muscles can dispose of easily and permit a sufficiently long training session and quick recovery. Venturing too far into the anaerobic zone will generate too much lactic acid, reduce the amount of work you can do within your training session, and risk lasting fatigue and overreaching. Marathoners don't derive much benefit from 400-meter repeats.

氧債門檻的訓練能加強你費時很久建立的脂肪代謝的能力。訓練成果是更快的速度完成長遠的路程。一種經計算過份量和頻次的氧債速度 訓練能使你的肌肉和血液代謝和緩解乳酸。訓練目的要產生你的肌肉可以輕易處理之適量的乳酸,並容許足夠時間的長期訓練及快速恢復 。投入太多氧債區的運動會產生太多乳酸,降低在此期間的訓練量,並導致疲勞持續和訓練過量的風險。馬拉松跑者不會從 4百米反覆跑中得到助益。

Faster, sustained running at 80 to 85 percent and mile repeats are good methods to increase lactate tolerance. Oglesby recommends tempo runs of 10 to 12 miles at 15 to 30 seconds per mile faster than goal marathon race pace. An added benefit of these tempo runs is that the marathon pace feels easier and more manageable.


A recent study examined the effect of high-intensity interval sessions on fat and carbohydrate metabolism and lactate concentrations in cyclists who had been training two to three hours per day for years. They replaced some of their endurance miles with two weekly sessions of 6-9 x 5-minute intervals with 1 minute of recovery between. After six weeks, the percentage of energy coming from fat during a one-hour trial had increased from 6 percent to 13 percent. How well this applies to a race lasting more than two hours is unclear.


Because of the results from studies on interval training such as these, many runners have opted out of the extended base-building phase citing "quality over quantity" as the rationale. I would like to emphasize that high-intensity training builds on the increased strength, resilience, and fat metabolism developed during those long, high-quality aerobic miles. Jumping into AT training before your body is sufficiently prepared will not produce the desired results: fast marathons.

因為這些研究的結果,許多跑者就斷章取義地截取延伸訓練的部份視之為「重質不重量」的理論。我必須強調這種高強度的訓練必要的前 提,是由長期高素質有氧訓練累積的里程數所產生的肌力、彈性和脂肪代謝的能力為基礎。在體能狀況未完備之前投入 AT訓練,無法產生你期待的結果:更快的馬拉松成績。



Rest for Run, Run the Rest. Go!Go! Friends.
RunningYam 由上至下檢視
Senior Member
Senior Member

註冊日期: 2002-08-20
位置: 美國
線上狀態: 離線
文章數: 2797
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OPEN 兄翻譯得好, 造福跑友, 非常感謝!


OPEN 由上至下檢視

註冊日期: 2006-01-30
位置: Taiwan
線上狀態: 離線
文章數: 45
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Rest for Run, Run the Rest. Go!Go! Friends.
OPEN 由上至下檢視

註冊日期: 2006-01-30
位置: Taiwan
線上狀態: 離線
文章數: 45
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It is best to start an exercise session with stable, fasting blood glucose levels and higher blood fat levels. Glucose is a powerful regulator of fat metabolism. The higher the glucose content of the blood, the lower the fat metabolism. High blood glucose levels are generated from dietary carbohydrates.

開始運動前的最佳狀態是穩定的低血糖和高血脂。血液中葡萄糖的高低對脂肪的代謝有很強的調整作用。高血糖會抑制脂肪的代謝,而高 血糖則來自飲食中的醣類攝取。

This effect is associated with insulin. High blood glucose stimulates the hormone insulin to be released from the pancreas. Insulin is a storage and growth hormone. Its main job is to reduce blood glucose but it also acts to store fat and protein. In the process, insulin directly blocks removal of fat from fat deposits. These deposits are an important source of fat for exercising muscle. Insulin also reduces fat burning within the muscle. Therefore, increased insulin is considered to be antagonistic to fat combustion during exercise.

這種機轉與胰島素有關。高血糖刺激胰臟分泌胰島素,胰島素是儲存和生長的荷爾蒙,主要功能在降低血糖也會促使脂肪和蛋白質被儲存 。在作用過程中,胰島素阻絕體脂肪的移轉,這些體脂肪是運動肌肉中脂肪的主要來源。胰島素也會減少肌肉中的脂肪燃燒。所以運動中 增加胰島素被視為在抑制脂肪燃燒。

In an interesting piece of research, investigators at the University of Limburg in the Netherlands and at the University of Texas collaborated to determine whether high blood glucose and high insulin levels reduce the amount of fat burned during moderate-level exercise. A group of endurance-trained men cycled for 40 minutes at an aerobic 50 percent of maximum after an overnight fast. On another day, they ingested a drink containing 100 grams of glucose at 60 minutes before and then again at 10 minutes prior to the exercise test. This is a carbohydrate equivalent of drinking one and one-half liters of Gatorade an hour before a race and again 10 minutes before the start. While this may not mimic real-life situations, what the researchers found was telling. Fat metabolism was substantially reduced for the full 40 minutes of the exercise after the carbohydrate load.

研究中有趣的部份是,荷蘭Limburg 大學和德州大學的研究者們共同研究測量於穩定程度的運動中,高血糖和高胰島素是否減少脂肪的燃燒量。一群受過耐力訓練的男性受測 者在經過整夜禁食後用50%最高心跳的有氧強度騎40分鐘自行車。改天同一組人在運動測試前60分鐘攝取含100克葡萄糖的飲料,10分鐘前再喝一次,這樣的醣類攝取量相當於在比賽前6010分鐘前各喝1.5公升的開特力運動飲料。這也許並非仿傚真實情境,此研究說明在攝取醣類後的整整40分鐘運動中脂肪的代謝實質地減少。

While most people would not eat that much carbohydrate before a run, it is common for people to eat a sports bar, bagel, or banana in the hour prior to training. Try to avoid eating for at least two hours before a run.


It takes as little as 20 grams of ingested carbohydrate to raise insulin and reduce fat as fuel. If you have nutrition awareness or read the nutrition labels on foods, you will know that a couple of slices of bread, a banana, a sports bar, or a soda each delivers more than 20 grams of carbohydrate.

只要攝取少少地20 克的醣類就能提高胰島素和減少脂肪提供能量。若你有營養概念或看看食物上的營養成份標示,你會瞭解兩片土司,一根香蕉,運動能量 棒或汽水,任何一樣都供應超過20克的醣類。

Fasting increases blood fat levels. Running after your overnight fast will increase fat burning. A cup of coffee beforehand may boost it even higher. Once exercise has started, eating carbohydrates does not generate a substantive insulin response. If you are starting a long run lasting two hours or more on an empty stomach, you may want to eat a sports gel or bar after 20 to 30 minutes throughout the run. Otherwise you will be faced with the nausea and fatigue of low blood sugar and have a poor training session. If you tend toward hypoglycemia when you get up in the morning, you may want to eat something in the minutes immediately before you head out the door. It takes 30 minutes for insulin levels to peak.

禁食提高血脂濃度,早晨空腹跑步會增加脂肪燃燒。事前一杯咖啡效果更好。 一旦開始運動後進食就不會引起胰島素的反應。假如你空著肚子進行2小時以上的長跑,你最好在20~30 分鐘後補充能量包或能量棒來撐完全程,否則你將面臨因低血糖而反胃或虛脫,並且訓練無效。如果你有起床時低血糖的傾向,必須馬上 吃點東西才能出門,記得胰島素的濃度要30分鐘達到頂點。

However, before a long race or run you will have more endurance and perform better if you eat a meal containing carbohydrate two to three hours before. Early in the morning, your liver glycogen stores, which supply blood glucose, have been depleted by the overnight fast. The brain and nervous system rely on blood glucose for energy. If you start a marathon without replenishing these stores, you will bonk. The two-hour time interval is sufficient to reduce blood glucose levels back to normal and restore fat metabolism.



Rest for Run, Run the Rest. Go!Go! Friends.
OPEN 由上至下檢視

註冊日期: 2006-01-30
位置: Taiwan
線上狀態: 離線
文章數: 45
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There has been considerable research in the past decade on the effect of diet composition on endurance. Prior to now, endurance athletes usually followed a high-carbohydrate diet with the rationale that enhanced glycogen stores are known to fuel superior training and marathon race performances.

過去十年己有很多研究探討飲食控制在提昇耐力方面的效果。截至今日耐力型的選手通常遵循增加肝醣的存量可以提昇訓練和比賽時體能 的理論而採用高醣飲食。

Most sports nutritionists recommend a diet that supplies 6 to 8 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight. These levels of dietary carbohydrate can easily reach 400 to 600 grams per day. This adds up to 1,600 to 2,400 calories of carbohydrate per day. This type of diet doesn't leave room for adequate amounts of fat or protein.


The downside of a high-carbohydrate diet, especially a diet loaded with sugar, is reduced fat metabolism and fatigue. This is largely due to chronically stimulated insulin levels. The effects of insulin can last up to eight hours, especially after a big dose of carbohydrates, such as you might get from a big plate of spaghetti and rolls followed by a bowl of sorbet.


Initially, studies found that high-fat diets, where fats supply 60 percent or more of the calories, showed promise as a means to better endurance. Fat burning is increased on high-fat diets, even at rest. Exercise tests showed higher endurance in subjects who had been eating high-fat diets in comparison with high-carbohydrate diets.

研究初期發現脂肪供給熱量超過60% 以上的高脂飲食確實是增加耐力的辨法。高脂飲食促進脂肪燃燒,即使在休息狀態亦然。運動測試顯示高脂飲食比高醣飲食有較好的耐力 表現。

At issue, however, was the intensity of exercise used for the tests. High-fat diets improved endurance at relatively low-intensity levels. When the intensity was increased to mirror race situations, the advantage disappeared. The higher- intensity exercise required more carbohydrate, and the subjects simply lacked adequate glycogen to continue for extended periods. The lesson is that you can reduce your reliance on carbohydrate, but you can't eliminate it.

值得爭議的是測試的運動強度。高脂飲食僅能提高耐力在低強度的運動中,當運動強度提高到真實比賽的狀態時,上述的優勢便喪失了。 高強度的運動需要更多的醣類,跑者很容易缺少適量的肝醣持續比賽。由此例我們學到,可以減低對醣類的依賴但不能省略。

We now know that both high-carbohydrate and high-fat diets cause fatigue and poor performances. The best diet is probably somewhere in between: one that supplies enough fat to stimulate fat metabolism and maintain production of testosterone and estrogen and also supplies enough carbohydrate to keep the brain and nervous system happy and the glycogen stores filled. Many sports scientists are recommending a basic diet that supplies 50 percent carbohydrate, 30 percent fat, and 20 percent protein, with additional carbohydrates after hard or long-duration training.

現在我們瞭解高醣和高脂飲食都會造成體能下降,那最佳的營養調配應該是介於之間: 有足夠的脂肪刺激體脂肪的代謝和維持製造睪固酮和動情素,也供給足夠的碳水化合物使大腦和神經系統保持愉悅及肝醣的儲存。許多運 動科學家建議基本的飲食供應50%醣類30%脂肪20%蛋白質,在艱苦的耐力訓練後另外增加醣的比例。


There are still many unanswered questions regarding nutrition and endurance sports performance. Before a marathon or longer race, will fat loading in combination with glycogen loading boost performance? After hard or long training, should you also concentrate on replenishment of fat stores in the muscles? What type of fat, saturated or unsaturated, is burned for fuel? Will eating fat during races that last four hours or more benefit performance outcomes?


What profile of fats in the basic diet is best for an athlete? The skeletal muscle membrane is made of fat. The composition of this membrane directly reflects the profile of fats in the diet. A diet high in saturated fats will generate a more solid, less fluid membrane. A membrane that incorporates more unsaturated fats is more fluid, allowing a more efficient flux of oxygen, water, fat, and glucose. New theories hold that these membranes are more leaky and require more energy to maintain. Conceivably then, a diet too high in either saturated or unsaturated fats could be detrimental to endurance performance.

在一般飲食中何種形式的脂肪最有利於運動員? 骨骼肌薄膜是由脂肪形成的,其組合的狀態直接反映出飲食中攝取脂肪的種類。飽和脂肪多的飲食會產生固態多於液態的薄膜。薄膜包含 較多的不飽和脂肪時流動性好,容許更有效率地氧氣、水、脂肪和葡萄糖的轉換。新的理論支持這些薄膜應該更具滲透性並需要更多能量 來維護。可以想像的是過度偏重攝取飽和或不飽和脂肪的飲食必將損害持久力。

While there are new training methods being developed to enhance marathon performance, you will find substantial success with theories that are now 40 years old. In contrast, the field of sports nutrition research is currently experiencing great strides. In the early 1990s, the accepted dogma of a high-carbohydrate diet came under fire and was dismantled. Until we have more definitive information, it is wise to follow a moderate, low-sugar, common-sense diet with high nutritional quality.


With a training and nutrition regimen that coerces you to tap into your fat supplies, you can teach your body to use more fat during your migration through the marathon, and beyond.



Rest for Run, Run the Rest. Go!Go! Friends.
RunningYam 由上至下檢視
Senior Member
Senior Member

註冊日期: 2002-08-20
位置: 美國
線上狀態: 離線
文章數: 2797
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我不善打字, 有機會願與 OPEN 兄討論翻譯事宜, 以更加造福跑友.


OPEN 由上至下檢視

註冊日期: 2006-01-30
位置: Taiwan
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敬祁    前輩賜教。
Rest for Run, Run the Rest. Go!Go! Friends.
Rose 由上至下檢視

註冊日期: 2006-01-05
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感謝 OPEN 兄,






OPEN 由上至下檢視

註冊日期: 2006-01-30
位置: Taiwan
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談到自已的經驗,過去本身就是高醣飲食的信仰者,對血糖的反應非常明顯,因此團練或比賽時,我用的補給特別多,但依舊是「撞牆」 的常客。


小弟以為具體的經驗實例必勝過紙上理論的千言萬語,無論新手或老將都有豐富的體驗供為參考,感謝並期待各位跑友的參與討論,謝謝 !

Rest for Run, Run the Rest. Go!Go! Friends.
芳村 由上至下檢視

註冊日期: 2004-02-03
位置: 中華民國 台灣
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...談到自已的經驗,過去本身就是高醣飲食的信仰者,對血糖的反應非常明顯,因此團練或比賽時,我用的補給特別多,但依舊是「 撞牆」 的常客。...

對張兄所言頗有同感,過去、現在我也是高醣飲食的信仰者,10k以上的賽事或練跑,沒有吃早餐不敢上場,卻往往無法在跑前兩小時 進食,當然跑到後段就很慘,今日看了張兄的譯文,受益菲淺,今後小弟得好好修正過去的看法,謝謝張兄的辛苦與分享

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